Suicide Season (ver 2)
Suicide Season by Bring Me The Horizon
I tabbed this in D A D G B E tuning
It may not be perfect but i think its damn close.
= let ring
\ slide
x mute
Gt. 1
Gt. 2
Vocals Enter
1. We stare at broken clocks, their hands don't turn anymore. The ays turn into night,
hearts and empty places.
2. The day you lost him I slowly lost you too, for when he died he took a part of YOU!
Gt. 1
Gt. 2
Drums Enter
[ YOU! ]
Gt. 1
Gt. 2
Gt. 1
Gt. 2
|---10--(x48)------------3--(x16)----[don't let last ring]------------------------------|
No time for farewells. No chances for goodbyes. No explanations. No fucking reasons why.
I watched it eat you up, pieces fallen on the floor, we stare at broken clocks, their
don't turn anymore.
If sorrow could build a staircase,
or tears could show
Gt. 1 [Tremolo]
|--13131313131313131212121213131313131313131212121213131313121212121010101010 |
Gt. 2
the way,
Gt. 1 [Tremolo]
Gt. 2
I'd climb my way to heaven and bring him back home again.
Gt. 1 [Tremolo]
|--13131313131313131212121213131313131313131212121213131313121212121010101010 |
Gt. 2
Gt. 1 [Tremolo]
Don't give up on your friends,
this is not the end.
Gt. 1
|--13131313131313131212121213131313131313131212121213131313121212121010101010 |
Gt. 2
Gt. 1
Gt. 2
We stare at broken clocks, their hands don't turn anymore, the days turn into night,
and empty
Gt. 1
Gt. 2
The day you lost him, i slowly lost you too, for when he died he took a part of YOU!
Gt. 1
Gt. 2
Gt. 1
Death is only a chapter
Gt. 2
Gt. 1
So rip out the pages of
Gt. 2
Gt. 1
Yesterday, Death is only a horizon
Gt. 2
and I'm ready for my... SUN TO SET
Gt. 1
Gt. 2
[after every 16th chug]
Gt. 1
Gt. 2
Gt. 1
Gt. 2
Gt. 1
Gt. 2
Gt. 1
Gt. 1
Gt. 1
Gt. 1
Gt. 1
Gt. 1
Interlude guitar part
Gt. 1 [Picked]
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