It Was Written In Blood
h - hammer on
p - pull off
b - bend string up
r - release bend
/ - slide up
\ - slide down
v - vibrato (sometimes written as ~)
t - right hand tap
x - play 'note' with heavy damping or deaden following a note
Song: It Was Written In Blood
Band: Bring Me the Horizon
Tuning: Drop C (CGCFAD)
Gtr 1: (0:00)
|---10---8---12---| x alot
Gtr 2:
Let ring ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Chorus - Both Gtrs: (0:32)
|-------------------| x2
Gtr 1: (0:43)
|--------------------------| x4
Gtr 2:
Let ring ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
|---12-------------12----------12------12-(x alot)---|
Both Gtrs: (1:04)
Gtr 1: (1:10)
|------------------------------------------| x2
Chorus x2 (1:15)
End the 2nd Chorus with:
Gtr1: (1:36 – 2:22)
Gtr 2: (1:59 – 2:22)
Both Gtrs: (2:22)
Chorus (2:27 – 2:53)
End the last Chorus with:
Gtr 1: (2:53 – 3:28)
Gtr 2: (2:53 – 3:28)
Gtr 2: finish on
|-----5~~~~~-let ring-----|
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