NO SOLO!!! Sorry, only been playing for a year.
Not really got an ear for solos yet, if someone
else wants to complete this tab with the solo, be my guest.
This is "Shout" by Black Tide.
It is pretty much just what Alex Nunez (Rhythm Guitar)
does during the song, but it is enough to get you
started i beleive. So here we go:
Intro: (Kind of faded)
|--2~---2----5~------------| (x2)
Verse: (Same thing as intro, but lots of randonm palm muting)
|--22x2x----2xx2x---5~-5-----------------| (x3)
|--22x2x----2xx2x---5~-5--------------| (x1)
|--2~-2-x----------5~5~xxx-5-7-7-7/---| (x4)
|--22x2x----2xx2x---5~-5------------------| (x4)
|--22x2x----2xx2x---5~-5--------------| (x1)
Solo Rhythm: (I'm Getting Lazy, so just put in the stops where he stops)
|-2--2--2--2-----7--7--------| (As many times as needed)
Then they do this cool little Iron Maiden type thing:
|----------xx5-xx5-----------| (As many times as needed)
Then they do the chorus but they palm mute it like the Iron Maiden part. The best i
do. Enjoy.
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