Now Your Ships Are Burned
Repeat riff
Solo fill 1
Fill 2
Now your
Ships are burned and the evil has returned It will
creep up on you there's nothing to do. It will
rip up your mind and death you will find Life is just a game and
1. Within the blood stained walls in the
death is just the same.
2/3. When the orders are obeyed and
center of your brain demons without mercy
you have been slayed you're lying on the ground without
driving you insane. It will rip up your mind and
making a sound As your soul fades away you can
death you will find life is just a game and death is just the same
hear someone say ring the doomsday bell turn the world into hell.
1/2 1/2
1 1/2
1/2 release with bar
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Guitar Solo
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|-4--4-4b-4b-4b-4b-4b-4b--%--|--4~--2--1--2~--|-repeat (a)-------------|
| | | |
|(b)=========================== | | |
|-7--x-x-x-x-7--x-x-x-x-7--x-x--|---6~--3--6--7~-|----repeat (b)----------|
|--4-----------------|--repeat (a)--|--4~--2--1--2~-----------------------|
| | | |
| | | |
|--6--3--2-----------|--repeat (b)--|--6~--3--6--7~-----------------------|
1 1/2
1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2
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h = hammeron Judy Letostak
p = pulloff Internet
/ = slide Fidonet 1:202/762
x = ghost note MetalNet 666:666/2
t = tap (right hand) The Music Shop BBS (619)423-4970 24hrs
~ = vibrato
bf = bend full
rb = release bend
dive = dive with bar
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